
We have a wide range of lath that can be made to suit your needs.

Due to most profiles being rolled in-house we are not limited to length and can turn around large orders quickly.

We offer traditional single skin lath ranging from 22SWG to 18SWG as well as solid and perforated options.

Paramount 26 Ltd can offer single skin lath in 50mm and 75mm options

We have a range of stock for Insulated Steel and Aluminium lath in various finish options.

Our insulated lath comes in 77mm, 95mm and 100mm options.

In addition to all that, we offer double skin aluminium and insulated lath in less traditional sizes, such as 50mm, 89mm, 75mm.

Paramount 26 Ltd also offers Tube & Link, Brick-bond, and other made to order options.